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Thank you for your interest in Wichita Falls Endodontics, a dental practice dedicated exclusively to endodontic care. 

Endodontists are dental specialists who have completed additional years of schooling after traditional dental school. Endodontic residencies are not only focused on advanced surgical and non-surgical skills but also technological advancements and trauma management that allows the specialist to provide accurate and reliable treatment results. Treatment options include traditional root canals, trauma for kids & adults and surgical removal of “infected tissue.” Endodontic training also allows the specialist to provide efficient quick treatment while minimizing any pain or discomfort. Endodontists have specialized equipment insuring optimal diagnosis and determination of treatment options.

Dr. Baker and his staff look forward to being of service to you and providing the highest standard of professional care in a friendly, comfortable environment. If you would like additional information, please contact us at (940) 247-0286. We look forward to your call.