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Endodontic Surgery

Why would I need Endodontic Microsurgery?
The majority of the time a non-surgical procedure will be sufficient to heal the infected tooth. If for any reason the tooth does not heal or the tooth would be compromised during the retreatment procedure, Dr. Baker could possibly recommend a small surgical procedure called an “Apicoectomy.” Surgery is only an option once a root canal has been completed.

Surgery is performed with our microscopes, which helps locate fractures or cracks within the tooth. Surgery also allows direct visibility for hidden canals or canals that have become closed off or calcified.

Before the surgical procedure has started, local anesthetic is used so the patient is comfortable. After the patient feels “numb,” the anesthetic is reinforced with a stronger anesthetic to ensure complete comfort. A small incision is made in the gum tissue just above the tooth to expose the infected tissue. The damaged tissue is removed along with a small portion of the root. A root-end filling is placed in the tip of the tooth to prevent leakage and a medication is placed into the bone. The small incision area is sutured up which allows the bone and tissues to heal restoring full function. Most patients are able to drive themselves home after the quick procedure.

After the surgery has been completed, there may be some discomfort or slight swelling. Although swelling does not occur with every patient, please do not be alarmed if you experience slight swelling. This process is completely natural and does not indictate an unsuccessful procedure. To reduce swelling, gently apply a cold ice pack. To alleviate any discomfort, an appropriate pain medication will be prescribed following the treatment. If pain persists after the medication has been taken, please call our office.

Patient Care Instructions Following Endodontic Surgery