Injuries in Children
The majority of dental injuries occur in children. Typically the severity of the trauma determines the type of treatment that will be required. Many of the treatment options are dependent on which tooth is affected and if the tooth is a “baby tooth” or permanent one.
In the case of an immature adult tooth, the tip of the root remains open as the tooth develops. In order to help the formation of a closed tooth at the tip, two types of procedures are recommended. Your child may need either apexogensis or apexification to preserve this tooth.
This procedure encourages the root to continue development as the pulp heals. Dr. Baker will place a medication into the soft tissue of the tooth to encourage growth. The tip of the root, the apex, will continue to close as the child gets older. In turn, the walls of the root canal will thicken. If the pulp heals, no additional treatment will be needed. The more mature the root becomes, the better the chance to save the tooth.
In this case, Dr. Baker will remove the unhealthy pulp tissue. Dr. Baker will place a medication into the tooth to help form a hard calcified tissue at the tip of the root. This hardened tissue acts as a barrier for the root canal filling. At this point, the root canal walls stop developing, making the tooth susceptible to fractures, so it is important to have the tooth properly restored by your dentist.